Course not available in the current term
- COM 1013 - Communication et structures organisationnelles
Publications & Presentations
This section shows the documents (if any) that are available in R-libre, TELUQ's open access research publication repository.
Journal articles (refereed)
Chaput, Mathieu, & Paulsson, Alexander (2023). Bypassing the animal: Plant-based meat and the communicative constitution of a moral market. Economy and Society. https://doi.org/10.1080/03085147.2023.2168370
Chaput, Mathieu, & Paulsson, Alexander (2023). Sauver la planète, un burger à la fois : Les stratégies communicationnelles de la viande végétale. Communiquer, 37, X-X. https://doi.org/10.4000/communiquer.10884
Chaput, Mathieu (2021). Figures de l’identité anti-masque et rhétorique de l’organisationnalité. Communication & Organisation (59), 107-120. https://doi.org/10.4000/communicationorganisation.10023
Chaput, Mathieu; Brummans, Boris H. J. M., & Cooren, François (2011). The Role of Organizational Identification in the Communicative Constitution of an Organization: A Study of Consubstantialization in a Young Political Party. Management Communication Quarterly, 25 (2), 252-282. https://doi.org/10.1177/0893318910386719
Chaput, Mathieu, & Basque, Joëlle (2010). L'émergence d'une théorie de la communication organisante. Entretien avec James R. Taylor. Commposite, la revue électronique des jeunes chercheurs et chercheures en communication, 13 (1), 65-85.
Chaput, Mathieu (2008). Analyser la discussion politique en ligne : de l’idéal délibératif à la reconstruction des pratiques argumentatives. Réseaux (150), 83-106.
Chaput, Mathieu (2006). La dynamique argumentative des discussions politiques sur Internet. Commposite, la revue électronique des jeunes chercheurs et chercheures en communication, v2006 (1), 52-77.
Book chapters
Chaput, Mathieu, & Basque, Joëlle (2022). Exploring Identity Matters in the Communicative Constitution of Organizations. In Basque, Joëlle; Bencherki, Nicolas, & Kuhn, Timothy (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of the Communicative Constitution of Organization (p. 310-324). New York : Routledge.
Chaput, Mathieu, & Basque, Joëlle (2022). The Emergence of the Communicative Constitution of Organization and the Montréal School: An Interview with James R. Taylor. In Basque, Joëlle; Bencherki, Nicolas, & Kuhn, Timothy (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of the Communicative Constitution of Organization (p. 524-536). New York : Routledge.
Cooren, François; Bencherki, Nicolas; Chaput, Mathieu, & Vásquez, Consuelo (2015). The communicative constitution of strategy-making: exploring fleeting moments of strategy. In Golsorkhi, Damon; Rouleau, Linda; Seidl, David, & Vaara, Eero (Ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Strategy as Practice (Second Edition) (p. 365-388). Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781139681032.022
Chaput, Mathieu (2013). Organization by Debate: Exploring the Connections Between Rhetorical Argument and Organizing. In Robichaud, Daniel, & Cooren, François (Ed.), Organization and Organizing: Materiality, Agency, and Discourse (p. 171-189). New York : Routledge.