There are more than 5.6 million employees in Canada with adult/elder care responsibilities and 35% of them are simultaneously employed (2012). Lack of workplace support can result in carer-employees (CEs) leaving the workforce, and/or missed work days, or early retirements which can impact employers in terms of reduced productivity and avoidable costs due to a range of HR issues, such as turnover and absenteeism. Given the gendered nature of both family caregiving and the labour sector, it is incumbent upon workplaces to implement gender-sensitive caregiver-friendly workplace practices (CFWPs) to appropriately accommodate CEs whilst sustaining efficiencies in the workplace. Doing so enhances work-life balance, workforce retention, and reduces health costs. The Healthy, Productive Workplace -- Partnership Development Grant (HPW-PDG) allowed McMaster University to partner with the Canadian Standards Association, among others, to create a bilingual Caregiver Inclusive and Accommodating Workplace Organizations Standard for Canadian workplaces. This HPW-Partnership Grant (PG) will mobilize uptake of the Standard in Canada and abroad, while accruing evidence on the Standard's broader health and economic impacts.

Chercheur principal

Allison Williams (McMaster University)


Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay; Andrea Doucet (Brock University); Linda Duxbury (Carleton University); Bharati Sethi (King's University College at Western University); Peter Kitchen (McMaster University); Maureen Markle-Reid (McMaster University); Jenny Ploeg (McMaster University); Ruta Valaitis (McMAster University); Li Wang (McMaster University); Donna Lero (University of Guelph); Sue Yeandle (University of Sheffield); Amiram Gafni (McMaster University)

Organisme subventionnaire

CRSH (Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada)


Subvention de partenariat

Secteur de recherche

Transformations sociales, organisationnelles et professionnelles en contexte d'internationalisation, d'informatisation et de multiculturalisme


2018 - 2023

Montant accordé

624 610,00 $